Hallway of Horrors!!!

So, not only did the previous owner wallpaper/paint/wallpaper the kitchen, they also wallpapered/paneled the hallway.
Not such a bad idea, unless the glue you use is monstrous.

I was so worried about it showing through that I sanded, and sanded, and sanded.
Eventually I just gave up and said, we’ll do a cursory prime coat and then see what needs to get a coat of mud to smooth it out.
Yes, there are defintiely some spots that need that extra little love (which means extra dirty time in my hallway) but that’s okay… eventually it’ll be a clean crisp hallway.
Here are the before, during and after shots (remember, this is ONLY the primer!!)
This was the hallway before we moved in…

This was after I ripped down the paneling (the DAY after settlement!)

After mom helped me rip down the remaining wallpaper (what a job!)

And now, the prime coat.

This entry was published on July 28, 2009 at 4:21 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

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