New Digs

Our little family has packed up and moved to some new digs. 

The reason?  Bathroom Renovation.  Our lovely split foyer only has a single bath.  Which needed gutting.  And putting back together.

The new digs?  Close friends.  Amazingly enough, our friends like us.  I mean, they like us enough to let us LIVE with them.  This is the SECOND set of friends who have willingly opened their home to us (this time with a baby who could potentially make some noise) and are allowing us to stay with them for the duration of the renovation.  (poet, I know)

We are incredibly thankful for friends like ours, and hope to “pay it forward” if not with them, then with others.

As for the renovation, it’s been quite slow going.  First, in order to ease my worried mind, we got the mold guys out there to clean and “eradicate” any signs of mold.  Yes, I’ve been taking pictures.  I plan on putting them up as soon as I am in my house for more than 1 hour at a time.

Every. step. of. the. way.

We’re hoping to be back in our old digs when the toilet is installed.  I mean, my co-workers don’t care if I stink for a few days… right?  =)

This entry was published on January 27, 2011 at 10:52 pm and is filed under House Progress. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

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